Do your business VideoS connect to your customer?

You may have already been bombarded with messages of how important video is to your business.


“It’s important to be on Instagram now…”

“TikTok, Snapchat, etc…  is not just for kids…”

It is getting more and more confusing to see where your business should be PLUS understanding how to stand out from the noise. 

Many videos that are being put out fast and furiously lack messaging, meaning and connection.

What does connecting to your customer look like?

Connection happens…..

when your customer is looking for an answer and is pleased to feel you address it in a “no b.s.” way.  

when you realize that all the feature and benefits don’t matter if you are not addressing the one thing your client needs to get from you. 

when your message has clarity and a motivating force that will help the client take the next step. 

when you are able to communicate concisely something of value to your client that they needed to see and hear. 

when your customer is more informed and clear after engaging with you. 

What or who is Sayah Media?

Dina and Sheila, owners of Sayah Media, combine practical and realistic business strategy with authentic & creative messaging, professional videography and audio, resulting in quality videos that are ideal for a businesses that require an elevated profile.

We continue to invest in ourselves and our equipment to keep up with the newest trends.  Every business has a different need, and we help identify what strategy to take.  Our videos ensure that you stand out creatively and connect with your audience. 

Sayah Media helps businesses launch authentic, strategic, and efficient high-quality videos that convert. 

We partner with businesses to create:

  • The MAIN VIDEO for your website or landing page (The “About Us”, or Brand Message Video)
  • Quick Tip Videos that speak directly to your client’s questions and concerns
  • Testimonial videos 
  • Promo videos that are designed for targeted social media ads. 
  • Elite Social Media Ad Master Plan– We know all the backend so you don’t have to. Setup, Strategy to running winning ads. Perfect for clients with amazing video assets that aren’t getting the views.  

Consultations for your Team

Do you have a marketing team that is already putting out video content on a frequent basis, but you are looking for professional videography to elevate your brand?

Consider a consultation where we partner with you to develop and execute a strategy to help take you to the next level.  

Not only are we there to help provide video assets, but we are available to help empower you to upgrade your own video creations, with group or one-on-one classes.  

Brand Messaging Videos for your Business

Professional videos with a personal touch can help bring you closer to potential clients. 

Positioning yourself as an authority on your area of expertise helps elevate you from competitors. We help you leverage video for your brand to the next level.

We are a combination of videographer and marketer that is up to date on the latest trends and techniques. Unlike other marketing agencies, we pride ourselves on our ability to output amazing quality videos and conduct consultations to come up with unique solutions to help empower our clients.

Dina and Sheila actively help businesses build their brands with a combination of professional videography, photography and social media strategy.

If you are in the Northern NJ area, and know that video is important to your business, reach out to us so we can help you create the videos you need that will connect you to your audience.

Sample of Our Local Videography

If you already have a video editing resource, but not the bandwidth to get professional videography of town highlights, we may be able to help you.

Contact us and let us know what you are looking for and we may have it in our Pond5 collections, or private Northern NJ footage library.

Sample Church Footage (Millburn, NJ)

Taylor Park Figures, Ducks & Building (Millburn, NJ)

Taylor Park Area Street (Millburn, NJ)

Audits & Consultations For Long Term Strategy advice or Quick wins

Are you experiencing tech overwhelm?  

Need the shortcut to get you on track with strategy?

Our paid consultations will give you clarity and a valuable perspective to help guide you closer to your goals. 


We have limited availability till end of August, but scheduling for Fall 2023.

Contact Sheila or Dina here to discuss your video marketing needs.  We are looking forward to hearing from you.